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- Date: Tue, 13 Jan 1998 16:32:30 -0600
- From: CJO <CJO@prodigy.net>
- Organization: Prodigy Internet
- Subject: Re: [IML] QUEST: creating Diamonds
- Salvatore Cagliari wrote:
- > Is there different ways to save objects in IFW (CUP or not?)? Mike?
- >
- > After this two times, I though that IFA can't load IFW-objects. Any
- > suggestions around? I don't visit the site of r.jennings yet. Is there a
- > software for convert IFW to DXF?
- salvatore
- are you saying that the obj I sent you didnt work,or are you saying that
- in the past
- you have had trouble with obj's saved in IFW(BTW I do have IFW yes)
- I can convert it to a dxf if you would like.
- alot of people have replyed to my post (thanks everyone)where I said I
- didnt know
- if they were comatible or not,and everyone has said they are so I am not
- real sure
- what I can do to help you other than save it as a dxf.
- which I will gladly do for you if you would like
- chris
- ----------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 14 Jan 1998 16:40:02 -0600
- From: CJO <CJO@prodigy.net>
- Organization: Prodigy Internet
- hey salvatore
- yes I have the cup
- charles made that tutorial in response to a question I had about a hand
- pushing thru rubber
- and when I downloaded the obj it would not open.so I cant even play with
- his obj
- so I dont think it is a platform problem I dont know really
- ----------------------------------
- Date: Wed, 14 Jan 1998 07:46:02 -0500
- From: Pat Connelly <fnadoc@ERINET.COM>
- >chris
- >
- >I can load you object without problems, I like it, in IFA. But I've
- received
- >an object from Pat Connely and downloaded the Tutorial of pushing thru hand
- >from Charls Blaq with the Tutorial-Object, and I have the problems
- mentioned
- >before.
- >
- >I would be glad if someone can explain me the difference. Has you, Chris,
- >or not? And has you, Pat and Charles, CUP or not? Why Impulse has build in
- >different obj-formats in IFW and IFW? Is this corrected in the first
- >
- >Bye
- >Salvatore
- What kind of an error are you getting? What is the error message? I am
- using the latest cup version. You are not having problems with textures
- etc. which can be easily changed with ...oops.... pc based software
- programs.
- ----------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 15 Jan 1998 18:54:23 MET-1
- From: Salvatore Cagliari <cagliaris@SWISSONLINE.CH>
- Hi Pat
- Sorry the delay. I was very busy the last two days.
- I don't have any error messages. With the bolt2a.obj (received from you) I
- can't change Pick Mode in Detail Editor. I only see a axis (20x20x200). When I
- call the attribute requester, I see the Fire Texture applyed. But nothing
- else.
- When I load the sheet.iob (From Charles's push through tut), I only see a axis
- with '10201 points', but no edges nor faces, and nor attributes.
- That's my problem. I've already receive objects from other peoples on the
- list, but without problems in loading (Clae, CJO and Dan).
- Hey, CJO and Dan, do you have IFW or IFA. I know that Clae has IFA.
- ----------------------------------
- Date: Thu, 15 Jan 1998 19:06:13 +0000
- From: Darran Williams <Darran@BRAINDEAD.DEMON.CO.UK>
- Sounds like you are trying to load an object created with the latest CUP
- version of IFW. The TDDD format has been modified to eliminate the 32k
- limit. This results in the problems you are seeing here. Older versions
- of Imagine and any Amiga version do not recognise the new additions to
- the format. I'm hoping that this will be addressed in one of the first
- Amiga CUPs as at present I cannot transfer any of my objects back from
- the PC to my Amiga.
- I believe there is a PC utility out there that will convert back to the
- old format called Accutrans, a trial version can be downloaded from:-
- http://nocds.unibase.com/~4dsol/accutrans/at3d1.html
- from Stephen Bray, 4D Solutions
- ----------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 17 Jan 1998 11:55:45 +0400
- From: Charles Blaquiere <blaq@INTERLOG.COM>
- Simple. Since the earliest days of Imagine, it used a 15-bit number to
- count points (and edges and faces, I believe). This led to a limit of
- 32K points per object. As users moved into the ambitious realm of
- organic modelling, they started to bump into this frustrating limit. The
- same was true of those who converted models created in other software.
- With advances in computer speed, it's now reasonable to work with
- objects with much more than 32K points. The same applies to 3D object
- libraries, which are now commonly found, both free and commercially;
- many of these objects are over 32K points.
- That's why, with IFW 1.3.4, Impulse made the big leap to a new object
- format, which numbers points using 4 bytes rather than 2. This allows up
- to 16 million (!) points per object, and should be enough to keep us
- happy for a while. As you see, this wasn't done on a whim. Impulse
- wasn't capricious, they simply responded to the shift in real-life usage
- brought on by faster computers, modellers like Organica and Imagine
- metaballs, and the general evolution in computer graphics to organic
- shapes and fully-formed characters.
- One would hope that, in the future, third-party developers or Impulse
- itself will add functionality allowing new-format objects to be saved in
- the old format, splitting objects over 32K into multiple output objects
- if required.
- I sympathize with your situation, but can't offer any help. Do you want
- to know the most ironic aspect of this problem? My sheet.iob has 20,000
- faces, 30,200 edges, and 10,201 points -- enough to fit into the old
- format! But, since Impulse hasn't added an option to save in the old
- format, I can't put a separate version on my web site.
- ----------------------------------
- Date: Fri, 16 Jan 1998 22:45:25 -0500
- From: Jon Rubin <floater@INTERPORT.NET>
- >One of the IFW updates (1.3.4) uses an updated format for the objects. They
- >cannot be loaded into IFA at this time. As far as I know, none of the
- current
- >object converters (Interchange, Pixel Pro2, MagicLink) can load them either.
- NuGraf (PC only) from Okino Computers in Ontario will translate the new
- Imagine format - into just about anything. But it does cost a bit (I think
- around $300!).
- ----------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 17 Jan 1998 00:54:06 EST
- Accutrans3D also supports it, but that is also PC only. It does no good to
- the Amiga user who needs it when trying to load in an IFW v1.3.3+ object
- ----------------------------------